sustained attention

美 [səˈsteɪnd əˈtenʃn]英 [səˈsteɪnd əˈtenʃn]
  • 网络持续性注意;注意力;持续注意;持续性注意力
sustained attentionsustained attention
  1. AIM : To explore the features of sustained attention in neurotic patients .


  2. Conclusion Deficits in sustained attention in depressive episode patients were remarkable .


  3. Influence of low-level lead exposure on sustained attention in children


  4. This is very serious and requires sustained attention .


  5. Influence of exam stress on sustained attention of students with different levels of trait anxiety


  6. Equal access to education is the kind of social problem which we devote our sustained attention to .


  7. Sustained attention for the patients with mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer 's disease


  8. I write this article because of my sustained attention and thinking of the food safety situation in our country .


  9. Functional MRI Studies of the Neural Mechanisms of Execution Control and Conflict Monitor on the Condition of Sustained Attention


  10. This has led to a broad and sustained attention of artists and theorists .


  11. The situation of bilge water illegal emission in our country coastal is also serious , need sustained attention .


  12. Attention network mainly reflex selected attention , and sustained attention comes the next , and divided attention worse relatively .


  13. Effects of distractors on sustained attention in children with attention - deficit hyperactive disorder


  14. However , in some occupations , where sustained attention is required , it could be beneficial for employees .


  15. It measures the sustained attention that is vital for pilots , truck drivers , astronauts .


  16. The theory of interest balancing has been a sustained attention and research in both the theory and practical areas since it was born .


  17. Objective : To explore the characteristics of control response and sustained attention in children with chronic tic disorders ( CTD ) .


  18. Why modern digital illustration has developed to a certain height , and the traditional illustration still has its vitality , and sustained attention .


  19. To foster and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises is a long-term and systematic project and requires sustained attention and long-term efforts of enterprises .


  20. The study focused on gender differences of children 's sustained attention . Children aged from 7 to 11 were required to perform a vigilance task .


  21. CPT for access sustained attention : The reaction time for epilepsy group prolonged significantly than control group ( P0.01 ), and the omission rate increased ( P0.05 ) .


  22. The enterprise has always put sustained attention to the establishment and upgrade of the core competence during the course of management ; this is a eternal topic of the enterprise .


  23. ObjectiveTo deter mine the sustained attention function of the patients with mild Alzheimers disease ( AD ) and mild cognitive impairment ( MCI ) .


  24. Although the gap of low-carbon competitiveness between Chinese and Japanese mechanical and electrical industry was shrinking , we need pay sustained attention to the techniques and strategies of low-carbon development .


  25. With information systems widely used in major industries , service continuity of these systems attract sustained attention . The development of DR ( Disaster Recovery ) system becomes the focus of various fields .


  26. This demands not only the hard work of the Afghan government and people , but also the sustained attention and vigorous support of the entire international community , including the SCO .


  27. GC-C knockout mice shows ADHD-like phenotype : exhibit hyperactivity , reduced odorant habituation , lacking of sustained attention and behavior inhibition .


  28. Two issues we studies in this paper are not selected at random . One reason is the two metaphor identities include plenty of aesthetic factors , the other is his sustained attention to other .


  29. Conclusion : Exam stress has different influences on the sustained attention of people with different levels of trait anxiety , which suggests that people with high trait anxiety are the target population for stress management .


  30. Pay sustained attention and promotion to the new artists is Hanmo Art Gallery 's obvious characteristics , Especially the promote of the artists born around the1970 's and1980 's.
